Shiatsu, Cranio Sacral Therapy
- Office hours: Friday from 2 p.m.
- Appointment: phone: +4369913136666
- No health insurance companies
Born in 1966 in Lower Austria
Several study visits to Tibet, Nepal, India, Japan and South Africa have enabled me to incorporate the philosophies of various cultures into my work.
Three years at the Shiatsu School SHEN MEN in 1070 Vienna. Degree as a qualified practitioner with Austrian State Diploma. Subsequent training and study visits to Tokyo, Japan.
Cranio Sacral Therapy
Trained at the Upledger Institute in Austria; member of the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners.
Trained as a Pilates trainer in Pretoria and Johannesburg; courses in Rome; meridian exercises, education workshop at Haus Königsbühel.
Advanced training
Vera BachnerShiatsu, Cranio-Sacral therapy
Tel. +4369913136666
Fri. from 2 p.m.
No health insurance companies
- Aort technique - Raphael v. Asche
- Cranio-sacral techniques - Dr. Olaf Korpiun
- Structural Shiatsu- Jörg Schörpf (Shambala)